
Couples counselling

西オーストラリアのパースで対面とオンラインで全世界の異文化&国際結婚カップルおよび国際結婚した日本人のカウンセリングと動画セミナーでHappy Wife School を提供しています。著書は日本語のみですが(英語版も出版予定)アマゾンで扱っています。

I’m a bilingual counsellor who guides multicultural couples, both Japanese and non-Japanese, to navigate through their challenges smoothly. Based in Perth, Western Australia, I offer counselling sessions for cross-cultural couples, both in-person and online nationwide. Additionally, I provide video seminars through Happy Wife School. While my book is currently available only in Japanese, an English version is scheduled for publication soon and will be available on Amazon.

Overview of Couples Counselling


Couple counselling, also known as marriage counselling, is a form of therapy aimed at helping couples resolve conflicts and improve their relationship.


The goal is not merely to address immediate issues and have you return each time a problem arises. Instead, it is to empower you both to maintain and enhance your relationship through resolving current issues.


The counsellor’s role is to facilitate adjustment in the communication style of ‘both’ partners when situations aren’t progressing well, ensuring effective communication or at least proper conveyance of each other’s perspectives.

カップル(夫婦)の問題を扱うときにどちらか一方が悪いという考えをとりません ですから、その調整はお二人に対して均等に行われるべきことだと考えています。

When addressing couples’ issues, the counsellor avoids assigning blame to either party, believing that adjustments should be made equally for both individuals.


Even if separation becomes the ultimate outcome, couples have the opportunity to openly express their true feelings and achieve genuine understanding, leading to a positive and amicable parting, which may not be attainable through legal representatives alone.


  1. カウンセラーは伝言役や法律相談のコンサルタント(または弁護士)ではありません。
  2. カウンセラーはそれぞれの方の代理人ではありません。
  3. カウンセラーは調停人ではありません。
  4. お一人が「やり直したい」、他方が「別れたい」とご要望が対立している場合であっても、カウンセラーがどちらかに肩入れしたり、どちらの言い分が正しいかを判断したりすることはありません。

What you need to know about couple’s counselling (Common misunderstanding)

  1. A counsellor is not a messenger or legal consultant (or lawyer).
  2. Counsellors are not your representatives.
  3. Counsellors are not mediators.
  4. Even if one person wants to start over and the other wants to break up, the counsellor will not give in to one or the other or decide which is correct.














Issues that you can/can’t bring up

The issues that can be addressed in couples counselling are broad and varied. These may include:

Feel free to share any issues you both consider problematic as a couple (married or not). However, please note that we cannot provide advice on legal, medical, or specialized topics (such as finances). We recommend consulting the appropriate professionals or organizations for such matters.


Crisis of separation or divorce

Lack of intimacy


Difficulty in communication

Psychological issues related to infertility-treatment

Seeking a fresh start

Differences in parenting or educational approaches


Family relationships and communication matters


  1. (推奨)個人カウンセリング1~ 必要に応じた回数。何が問題かの整理をします。

現状の明確化・状況確認 (認知の違い)

  1. 3者面談1回目 Intake

お互いの理解と問題認識のすり合わせ/Alignment of Mutual Understanding and Issue Perception


  1. 2回目以降で、具体的にそれをどう解決していくかを話し合います。


  1. フォローアップセッションは最低1クール4回が推奨されます。年数をかけて鬱積した問題はそうそうすぐに解決するわけではありません。セッションは将来出来るだけお二人で解決に向えるようなトレーニングも兼ねています。

My Couples counselling Basic Flow

  1. Individual Counselling (recommended) 1 ~ As needed to clarify the issues.

Clarification of the Current Situation and Situation Check (Understanding Differences)

  1. Intake for Tripartite Discussion 1

Alignment of Mutual Understanding and Issue Perception

When couples struggle to resolve their issues, it’s often because they haven’t fully understood each other from the outset. This leads to inadequate discussion about ‘what the actual problem is’ and can result in a mismatch in problem perception.

  1. From the second session onwards, we’ll discuss how to specifically address these issues.

During the session, the counsellor also acts as an interpreter and mediator between the two individuals.

You might feel like you’re being asked the same questions repeatedly, including during individual counselling. While it’s true that the counsellor may sometimes forget, most often, they are asking similar questions for a reason. Even if the wording varies, the essence may remain consistent. The counsellor listens for changes in how you respond to gauge subtle nuances in your answers, so please keep this in mind.

  1. Follow-up sessions are recommended to be a minimum of one course consisting of four sessions. Problems that have accumulated over the years do not resolve quickly. Sessions also serve as training to equip both of you to work towards solutions together in the future.




  1. 非難、非難と受け取られそうな言い方をしない
  2. 侮蔑軽蔑するようなことを言わない
  3. 批判、批判するような言い方をしない
  4. 前ブレなく重大な決断やショックなことを言わない
  5. 相手が自分の気持ちを察している、察せると思わない
  6. ネガティブではなくポジティブなことにフォーカスする
  7. 自分の意見を言うのに相手の許可を得たり顔色を窺わない
  8. すぐにあきらめて投げ出さない
  9. カウンセラーに嘘をつかない
  10. 過去に起きたこと(最新で1年以上前)のことを引き合いに出さない

Rules for Couple Counselling Sessions (and beyond)

  1. Avoid using language that sounds like blame or criticism.
  2. Avoid using language that makes the other person feel small or disrespected.
  3. Don’t criticize or use critical language.
  4. Avoid dropping bombshells or making significant decisions without prior discussion.
  5. Don’t assume the counsellor and/or your partner can read your mind or understand your feelings automatically.
  6. Focus on the positive rather than dwelling on the negative.
  7. Speak your mind without constantly seeking permission or worrying about how your partner will react.
  8. Don’t give up too easily; persevere through challenges.
  9. Be honest with the counsellor.
  10. Leave past events (anything older than a year) out of the discussion.

© Yumi Barker 2020 All rights reserved



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Posted by Yumi.B